For the 2024-25 school year, there are 4 college-prep and junior boarding schools serving 1,663 students located throughout Oregon.
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Top Oregon ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Schools (2024-25)
20950 SW Rock Creek Road
Sheridan, OR 97378
(503) 843-3521
Sheridan, OR 97378
(503) 843-3521
Grades: 5-12
PK-12 (day)
PK-12 (day)
| 220 students
Oregon Episcopal School
6300 SW Nicol Road
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 768-3115
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 768-3115
Grades: 9-12, PG
PK-12, PG (day)
PK-12, PG (day)
| 875 students
St. Mary's School
816 Black Oak Drive
Medford, OR 97504
(541) 773-7877
Medford, OR 97504
(541) 773-7877
Grades: 6-12
5-12 (day)
5-12 (day)
| 504 students
59550 East Highway 26
Sandy, OR 97055
(503) 622-8931
Sandy, OR 97055
(503) 622-8931
Grades: 7-12, PG
| 64 students
Frequently Asked Questions
How many boarding schools are located in Oregon?
There are 4 college-preparatory boarding schools located in Oregon.
What is the average tuition cost of boarding school in Oregon?
The average Oregon boarding school tuition cost is $64,188 per year.
What is the oldest boarding school in Oregon?
St. Mary's School, founded in 1865, is the oldest boarding school in Oregon.
What boarding school in Oregon has the lowest acceptance rates?
Delphian School has the lowest boarding school acceptance rate (53%) in Oregon.
What boarding school in Oregon has the highest average SAT scores?
St. Mary's School has the highest average SAT scores (1320) in Oregon.
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